Expository Preaching Blog #50 – “Distractions to Expository Preaching”

True Expository Preaching is very specific and very deliberate. It takes work, effort, concentration and a deliberate effort to be an expository preacher. Full expository preaching is very intentional. BUT there can also be distractions during an expository sermon that take away from the expositional nature of the sermon. Let me illustrate.

We now have a visual content to sermons. This can be good and this can be bad. I have been using visual tools in my sermons for years. I started using PowerPoint in my sermons in my last ministry in Austin, MN from 2006-2012. Studies and statistics show that people remember 80 more when they see something and not just hear something. I believe that to be true. I remember much better what I see rather than just hearing it.

I have been very careful how I used visual and video tools. I find that if done well they can be very helpful. I had some guidance early on that helped my fine tune what I did. There was a big push a few years back to use video clips in a sermon. I have seen these used on a few occasions. I have not seen these to be particularly helpful. They have been used mostly as part of the introduction. I can’t totally rule them out but I don’t use them as a rule.

I like to use single PowerPoint slides for a particular purpose. I like a slide for my sermon title. I like one for the passage of Scripture that I am preaching from. I like one for the introduction and one for the conclusion. I like one for my main points. I usually had one or more verses listed for each main point. I like one for subpoints to each main point. I would list the verse that goes with each subpoint.

I would occasionally use a map to show a location or a picture to show an object that was in the text of the sermon passage. I stayed away from something that was not directly in the passage of Scripture. For example, I heard a sermon recently that the preacher was trying to use the illustration of shopping or a shopping cart. So, for each main point he had a picture of a shopping card. I never did get the connection so it was a distraction for me trying to figure out what he was trying to get across to the congregation. Months later I still don’t get it and I don’t remember the sermon at all except that there were grocery carts on the video monitor.

My point is this. Any visual tools you use should be a help and not a distraction. Your audience should be able to make a simple, direct and easy connection to the sermon. I only use things that are directly in the Scripture. This is in line with true expository preaching. You are trying to share what God is saying not what you are saying.

I still believe in the Holy Spirit and the through the preaching of The Word, the Holy Spirit will teach us and bring us into all truth.



Rev. David Johnson

Former Pastor

First Baptist Church of Austin, MN


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