Expository Preaching Blog #48 – “Holding Fast the Faithful Word” (BBC & CSU)

On July 1, 2024 it was announced that Clarks Summit University in Clarks Summit, PA was permanently closing. This is was my alma mater. When I attended there from 1976-1981 it was known as Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania. The school began as Baptist Bible Seminary in Johnson City, NY in 1932. It moved to the Clarks Summit campus in 1968.

I loved the school and deeply appreciated the education I received there. My mother, my brother and both of my sisters attended and graduated from the school. I graduated from the local high school in Clarks Summit and then stayed on for my college years. I lived in the area for a total of 11 years until I moved to SE Pennsylvania to take my first church as a pastor.

I am very sad to see it close. Faculty and staff have to find new employment elsewhere. Students have to find other colleges or universities to attend. Area businesses and local churches will be effected. It is not known what will become of the 35 acre campus. I met my wife Tricia there. Our first son was born while we lived there. We were married at Heritage Baptist Church, a church that started on the BBC campus and eventually built their own building across the street from the campus.

BUT there is something that will never change. The motto of the school was always “Holding Fast the Faithful Word!” Each student was taught and trained how to preach and teach the eternal Word of God. I was trained for the pastorate there. I was taught true expository preaching and teaching there. My wife and I were taught how to properly study, observe, understand and apply the Word of God. We were taught how to preach it and teach the way that God has intended for all of eternity past, present and future. We were just two of thousands of students who attended there over the years.

Since the Bible never changes, the real ministry of BBC/CLU will go on for eternity. Students will never forget what they learned there. The souls that were saved as a result of those students and faculty will never die and will exist for eternity. The churches that were started and led by the graduates cannot be undone spiritually. There are things around the world that will continue on in spite of one campus closing. The bell cannot be unrung. This is all because of an eternal God not any finite men or women.

Although an era has come to a close, its value still goes on. I will never regret my years there. I praise God for the God men and women there who taught me and had a profound impact on my life and ministries. I could write a whole blog or two on many of those individuals. I am thankful for my fellow students. Many of them are friends of mine to this day. But I want God to get all the glory. I am just thankful for what He has done and will continue to do. The school has closed but we will continue to Hold Fast the Faithful Word for all of our lives!


Rev. David Johnson

Former Pastor

First Baptist Church of Austin, MN


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