Expository Preaching Blog #45 – “Why I Believe It’s The Only Way”

I know many do not agree with me on this but that is okay. I frankly like it when people disagree with me because it tells me that they are listening to what I say or they are reading what I write. Then we can have a healthy dialogue.

I do believe the expository preaching is the only right preaching. Let me share why. I do not believe in adding to or taking away from God’s Word. It takes work. It takes effort. It takes time. BUT it is worth it in eternity. Only 1% or less of current preaching is true expository preaching. Now let me share my reasons why I believe this so strongly.

#1. It preaches only God’s message. I believe that every word and every thought of the Bible is inspired and accurate. I believe it is trustworthy in every area in which it speaks. The Bible is different than every other book in the world. It is God’s Word. It was written by human authors but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Every word is God inspired and ultimately from Him. See II Peter 1:19-21

#2. It leaves my opinion(s) out of it. I believe in topical preaching only when it is expositional. I may have a topical series but each sermon is an expository sermon on that one individual passage. I do not ever take a subject and then go all over the Bible or to many passages that mention that subject and preach what that passage says about the subject. I find that those sermons are created by man and are the thoughts and ideas of man not of God. They are usually construed to say what that particular man wants to say, not directly and solely what God wants to say. I hear the Scriptures twisted and misused many times when the preacher does not focus solely on a single passage. Oh it might be catchy, it might be interesting but it is not what God intended to say in that text. My opinions must be absolutely left out of my preaching even if I am right. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God. (II Timothy 3:16) My words are never inspired. My words are never given by the Holy Spirit. My words will not save souls. My words will never change lives. So why should I ever use my words when they are basically empty and worthless. Most churches today are small and ineffective because the pulpit puts out the words of men Sunday after Sunday. Start using God’s words and you will see a difference.

#3. It can be verified by others. I have often told my hearers “Look it up for yourself!” Don’t take it from me, study the Word and see what it says. Read it without any filters from me or someone else. Check it out. See if what I am saying it true. That is the beauty of expository preaching, others can verify what is being preached from the pulpit. If it can’t be verified then throw it out with the rest of the garbage.

You don’t have to agree with me but please just think about it. Why are our churches stale and stagnant? Why are we seeing souls saved, baptized and added to the church on a regular basis? I believe this is the reason. Let’s get back to the Bible. We won’t be sorry.



Rev. David Johnson

Former Pastor

First Baptist Church of Austin, MN


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