Expository Preaching Blog #37 – “Expository Preaching and Gospel Music”

The reason I believe so strongly in expository preaching is so that I preach the Word of God accurately, honestly and precisely. When I dig for the exact meaning of each passage and literally each word that brings a responsibility to practice what I preach. I do not take that lightly.

I would like to address music in the church. I love music. I listen to it constantly every day in my life. I have music at home, in the office, at work and in the car. I hate silence. I believe there are 4 vital ingredients to worship in the church. I find these in both the Old Testament and New Testament. They are music, scripture reading, prayer and preaching. In Ephesians 5:19 is says “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” I believe these are referring to (1) songs from scripture, (2) songs of worship, focused on the person and works of God, and (3) songs about our spiritual experience. I believe a worship service should have a balanced proportion of all 3 types. I believe there is a place for all 3 types.

I believe that good gospel music is not only a part of our regular worship but it is way to help the congregation prepare for the preaching of the Word. I also believe that the music is 90% for congregational participation. It is not a show or a concert but for the whole congregation to join in together as a local church body.

I am not against contemporary Christian music. I enjoy a lot of it. I like a lot of the older hymns and traditional music too. I also believe there is a lot of junk both in the traditional hymns and contemporary music. I am not here to debate that here.

In order to go along with good expository preaching I believe the music in the service needs several things. First it needs to be singable. I have been in many services where there is a new song that was very hard to learn and very hard for congregational singing. I don’t enjoy those times. Secondly it needs to focus on Jesus Christ not us. This world and our churches are not about us. It is about God and what He has already done for us through Jesus Christ. It needs to be God focused not man focused. Third I believe that no more than one new song should be introduced in a single service. I have been in services where I didn’t know any of the 3 congregational songs. How can I “participate” in the worship through singing if I don’t know the songs? If I have to spend my time learning a new song, how can it feed my soul? I am not against learning new music, I do it all the time. But it needs to be in moderation.

Music is emotional but the main focus should not be on the emotions. It should be on the message of the song. I have seen “music leaders” and “worship leaders” on stage singing and singing with their eyes closed. That is when the music becomes about them. If their eyes are closed then they are not connecting with nor are they truly leading the congregation. They are having their own whatever experience. They can have it. It is not about them. If that is what they want, then they should sit down with the congregation and do their whatever they do privately. Your public emotions do not have any benefit or effect on me. Help and lead the congregation in their worship of our great God!

As I said I love music. Music is God given and God instructed. I hope we have great music in our churches to the honor and glory of our great God! Then bring on the expository preaching!


Rev. David Johnson

Former Pastor

First Baptist Church of Austin, MN


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