Expository Preaching Blog #30 – “God Gave Me This Sermon for You Today”

I heard a preacher say that recently. “God gave me this sermon for you today!” To which I say “No He didn’t!” How did I know that? Because the sermon was not an exegetical, expository delivery of a passage of Holy Scripture. It was what the preacher wanted to say, from the preacher’s design, with 99% of only the preacher’s words and with the preacher’s conclusions. He said what he wanted to say not what God wanted him to say. Even if he used God’s Word he always adds his words to it or changes it to say what he wants it to say. He is presenting his ideas, in his way.

When a preacher says this, he is guilty of manipulating the people and extorting them to believe what he wants them to believe. After all if it is message directly from God how can you disagree with it without disagreeing with God Himself. You have nothing to check it with. You have no way of finding out whether or not it is honest, accurate and correct. It is totally subjective based on what the preacher wants to say.

Another phrase I hear is “God laid this message on my heart for today!” It is a little milder than the first statement above. But how do you know? What other evidence is there for his statement? Where are the checks and balances? There no inspired, infallible list anywhere that tells who God speaks to and who He doesn’t speak to. Their statements are totally made up. They are totally fabricated in their own mind. There is no evidence whatsoever that confirms what they say.

God has already spoken through the inspired Word of God. It is complete. It is unchangeable. We do not need more. We do not need different. All we ever need to do is to preach the Bible as we already have it and have had it for thousands of years. We do not need anything else. God has spoken we need to listen to Him. God is not speaking to me any different than He is speaking to you or anyone else. We have all we need.

How do we know a sermon or Bible message is accurate? Simple, just read the Bible for yourself and check it with what the preacher is saying. Does it line up? If not the preacher is wrong and the Bible is right. The Bible is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. The preacher is not. I cringe every time a preacher says he has something special for the congregation.

When the sermon uses the word “I” or “me” more than the name “Jesus”, “God” or He then the sermon is almost always man made not God’s Word. You can’t trust man but you can trust God.


Rev. David Johnson

Former Pastor

First Baptist Church of Austin, MN


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