Expository Preaching Blog #8 - "Study Tools"
How do you prepare for expository preaching? It is by expository study. The text always comes first. It has to be in its context. When you are studying a specific verse what does everything around it say? These are the verses before and the verses after. The chapter and verse separations are not inspired. They are pretty accurate but they are not inspired. Do not go to another book first, go to the Bible text first, always! Read it over and over. There are some great study books. I start with a couple of different translations. My main preference is the New KJV. I personally believe the KJV is the best translation over all but some words have changed in the English language since 1611 AD. That’s why I like the NKJV best. That is what I preach from. I also like the NASB and the NIV translations. I never use paraphrases in study or in the pulpit. I also like the NKJV when I am doing multi-ethnic ministry and I have a translator in the service. Another book is a concordance. My pref...