Expository Preaching Blog #49 – “The Theme of the Book”
Every book of the Bible has a theme. In expository preaching you must preach God’s Word as God wrote it. You must say what God wants to say not what you want to say. Therefore you must understand each book in its entirety first and what God is trying to say through that entire book. I have heard too many sermons lately where men are just pulling what they want out of a few verses in a book without considering at all the context of the paragraph, the context of the whole chapter and especially the content of the whole book. God did not write the Bible in a compilation of a lot of random thoughts. He wrote the books with a main thought or main theme for each book. Then each chapter builds or explains on that theme. And the verses in that chapter build or explain the thought of the whole chapter. If you don’t preach this way you are not preaching God’s word the way He intended it and you are usually therefore misinterpreting God Word and you are not saying what He said. You are only say...