Expository Preaching Blog #44 – “Worship: Me or You?”
In worship there is more than preaching. There is more than singing and music. It is the total service. It is the total event for lack of a better term. My question today is; Who is the focus of our worship service? Who is the focus of our worship time? I believe there is a focus in worship and it isn’t me and it isn’t any person or persons. The focus should be 100% on God for the entire time. After all it is a worship time. We exalting and directly our attention to one thing. This starts with the music. Who is the music about? Is it about me and my experience or is it about God and what He has done for me? The Bible teaches that there are 3 types of music for worship. They are Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. See Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. It is not a major doctrine but it is something Paul teaches more than once. Psalms are songs taken directly from Scripture. It is the words of Scripture put to music. Psalm 23, John 3:16 and many other passages are examples of this. T...