Expository Preaching Blog #42 – “Environment for Preaching”
Over the past year I have written much about expository preaching from how to do it to why to do it. I believe in every word I have written. Today I want to explore and area that we rarely talk about. That is the physical environment in which we preach. Environment does not make the preaching or the sermon but it certainly can take away from it. Preachers need to take into consideration the hearers. Who is in the congregation? What physical things do they bring with them that they cannot control? I have always been very conscience of the temperature of the room and building I was preaching and teaching in. In my one church I had two ladies. Mrs. J was always cold. You could have the room 80 degrees and she could still be cold. Mrs. P was usually always too warm. So when we moved into a new auditorium I experimented with the temperature for a few weeks. I finally found the spot where Mrs. J was a little cold and Mrs. P was a little warm. The rest of the congregation was just right. ...