Expository Preaching Blog #29 – “Church Hopping”
I don’t believe in being a church hopper. I really don’t. But for the past 11+ years I have been a church hopper. I have not been in one church for more than one year at a time. I don’t like it. I don’t like doing it. I want to settle down and be in one place for the rest of my life. But here is why I have been a church hopper. I heard about Pentecost in I John chapter 5. It’s not there. I have heard how II Timothy 5 when it is talking about widows is also referring to missionaries. How missionaries are to be taken care of by their families when they retire not the churches based on this passage. I have heard about re imaging Jesus. That if you put God in a copy machine Jesus will come out the other side. Yes I heard that from a man with 2 earned doctorates. I believe he should ask for his money back from that seminary. I have heard how Jesus was restrained by God the Father from going and healing Lazarus in John 11. I have heard how Jesus would have fallen through the water in J...